Edwin Martin

Company Agent at All American Real Estate

  • Agent License: 090-0348-8346
  • Tax Number: HGT-92384-3434
  • Service Areas: Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami Beach, New York
  • Specialties: Property management, Real estate development, Real estate appraising, Retail leasing, Apartment brokerage

About Edwin Martin

Edwin Martin is a real estate agent who is dedicated to helping his clients find the perfect home. With years of experience in the industry, she has developed an extensive network and deep knowledge of the local market. Her passion for real estate shines through in every interaction, as she works tirelessly to ensure that each client finds a property that meets their unique needs.

One of Brittany’s key strengths is his ability to listen carefully to his clients’ requirements and preferences. Whether they are looking for a family home or an investment property, Brittany takes the time to understand what matters most to them. She then leverages her expertise and connections to identify properties that fit those criteria, presenting options that meet their goals and budget.

In addition to her technical skills, Brittany is known for her warm personality and approachable demeanor.

Language: English, Spanish, French

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